Cakile maritima - Meersenf

Cakile Maritima - Meerenf

Cakile Maritima, generally known as Meerenf, is a remarkable plant...
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Populus tremula - Espe

Populus Tremula - Espe

Populus Tremula, generally known as a trembling poplar or Espe,...
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Castanea sativa - Esskastanie

Castanea sativa - dining chestnut

Castanea Sativa, generally known as chestnut or noble chestnut, is...
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Crataegus monogyna - Eingriffeliger Weißdorn

Crataegus Monogyna - Intervented Historical Thorn

Crataegus Monogyna, generally known as an intervelable hawthorn, is a...
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Calamagrostis arenaria - Strandhafer

Calamagrostis Arenaria - Beach Hair

Calamagrostis Arenaria, generally known as the beach harbor, belongs to...
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Ulex europaeus - Stechginster

Ulex Europaeus - Stechginster

Ulex Europaeus, generally known as the ordinary cushioned or bristle,...
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Quercus robur - Deutsche Eiche

Quercus Robur - German oak

Quercus Robur, generally known as a stem icon, is an...
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Tilia × euchlora - Krimlinde

Tilia × Eschlora - Krimlinde

Tilia × Eschlora, also known as a Crimea Linde, is...
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Fraxinus ornus - Blumenesche

Fraxinus Ornus - Flower Seal

Fraxinus Ornus, generally known as flower cock, belongs to the...
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