Mandragora caulescens - Himalaya-Alraune

Mandragora Caulescens - Himalaya aluminum

Mandragora Caulescens belongs to the family of nightshade plants (Solanaceae)....
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Physochlaina orientalis - Büschelbilsenkraut

Physochlaina Orientalis - Büschelbilskraut

Physochlaina Orientalis, generally known as a tufted picture, belongs to...
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Hyoscyamus albus - Weißes Bilsenkraut

Hyoscyamus albus - white bilsrot

Hyoscyamus Albus, generally known as white bils, is a herbaceous...
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Mandragora officinarum - Alraune

Mandragora Officinarum - Alraun

Mandragora Officinarum, generally known as the Alraun, is a fascinating...
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Mandragora autumnalis - Herbst Alraune

Mandragora Autumnalis - autumn alraun

The autumn alcohol, scientifically known as Mandragora Autumnalis, comes from...
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Datura stramonium - Stechapfel

Datura Stramonium - Stecapfel

Datura Stramonium, generally known as a steach, belongs to the...
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Hyoscyamus niger - Schwarzes Bilsenkraut

Hyoscyamus niger - black bilsrot

Hyoscyamus niger, generally known as black bils, belongs to the...
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Atropa belladonna - Tollkirsche

Atropa Belladonna - Tollkirsche

Atropa Belladonna, generally known as the rabid cherry, is a...
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Brugmansia suaveolens

Brugmansia Suaveolens

Brugmansia Suaveolens, generally known as an angel's trumpet tree, belongs...
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