Cota tinctoria - Färberkamille

Cota Tinctoria - Farberkamille

Cota Tincoria, generally known as a dye brain or dyeing...
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Lythrum salicaria - Blutweiderich

Lythrum Salicaria - Blutweiderich

Lythrum Salicaria, generally known as blood pasture or garden parlor,...
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Betula nana - Zwerg Birke

Betula Nana - Dwarf Birke

Betula Nana, generally known as a dwarf birch or polar...
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Agastache aurantiaca - Duftnessel

Agastache Aurantiaca - fragrance nettle

Agastache Aurantiaca, generally known as fragrance nettle or orange fragrance,...
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Dianthus superbus - Prachtnelke

Danthus Superbus - Magnelke

Dianthus Superbus, generally known as a magnificent clove, belongs to...
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Dipsacus fullonum - Wilde Karde

Dipsacus Fullonum - Wild Card

The wild card, scientifically known as Dipsacus Fullonum, originally comes...
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Matricaria chamomilla - Echte Kamille

Matricaria Chamomilla - real chamomile

Matricaria Chamomilla, generally known as real chamomile, is a one...
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Solidago virgaurea - Goldrute

Solidago Virgaurea - goldenrod

Solidago Virgaurea, also known as a real gold rod or...
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Calendula officinalis - Ringelblume

Calendula officinalis - marigold

The Calendula Officinalis, popularly known as a marigold, is a...
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