Solanum betaceum - Baumtomate

Solanum Betaceum - tree tomato

Solanum Betaceum, generally known as tree tomato or Tamarillo, is...
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Alocasia sanderiana - Pfeilblatt

Alocasia Sanderiana - arrow sheet

Alocasia Sanderiana, generally known as the arrow sheet, belongs to...
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Cola acuminata - Kolabaum

Cola acuminata - colaba tree

Cola acuminata, generally known as a colaba tree or colanus,...
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Semele androgyna

Semele androgyna

Semele Androgyna belongs to the Asparagaceae family. The original distribution focus...
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Cereus repandus - Felsenkaktus

Cereus Repandus - rock cactus

Cereus Repandus, generally known as the rock cactus or column...
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Ribes rubrum - Rote Johannisbeere

Ribes rubrum - red currant

Ribes Rubrum, generally known as red currant, is a profitable...
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Vaccinium vitis-idaea - Preiselbeere

Vaccinium vitis -idea - cranberry

Vaccinium vitis-idea, generally known as cranberry, is an evergreen plant...
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Calla palustris - Drachenwurz

Calla palustris - dragon root

The dragon root, scientifically known as Calla Palustris, is a...
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Rubus idaeus - Himbeere

Rubus Idaeus - raspberry

The raspberry, scientifically known as Rubus Idaeus, belongs to the...
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