Lonicera webbiana

Lonicera Webbiana

Lonicera Webbiana belongs to the family of the Caprifoliaceae (hing...
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Fragaria virginiana - Scharlach-Erdbeere

Fragaria Virginiana - Scarlach Erdberry

Fragaria Virginiana, generally known scarlet-earthberry, belongs to the Rosaceae family....
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Ephedra monosperma

Ephedra Monosperma

Ephedra Monosperma belongs to the Ephedraceae family. This unusual plant...
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Lonicera trichosantha - Chinesisches Geißblatt

Lonicera Trichosantha - Chinese Geißblatt

Lonicera Trichosantha, popularly known as Chinese Geißblatt or Honeysuckle, is...
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Berberis amurensis - Amur-Berberitze

Berberis Amurensis - Amurberitz

Berberis Amurensis, also known as Amurberitz, is at home in...
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Cornus canadensis - Kanadischer Hartriegel

Cornus canadensis - Canadian hard drain

Cornus Canadensis, generally known as the Canadian hardwear or carpet...
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Viburnum lantana - Wolliger Schneeball

Viburnum lantana - woolen snowball

Viburnum Lantana, also known as a woolly snowball, belongs to...
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Waldsteinia ternata - Waldsteinie

Waldsteinia Ternata - Waldsteinie

Waldsteinia Ternata, generally known as Forest stone Or three -leaf...
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Dacrydium cupressinum - Rimu-Harzeibe

Dacrydium Cupressinum - Rimu -Harzeibe

Dacrydium Cupressinum, also known as Rimu-Harzeibe, is a conifer species...
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