Malus baccata - Kirschapfel

Malus baccata

Malus baccata belongs to the family of rose plants (rosaceae)....
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Prunus sargentii - Bergkirsche

Prunus sargentii - Sargent's Cherry

Prunus sargentii, generally known as Sargent's Cherry, is a deciduous...
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Prunus mahaleb - Steinweichsel

Prunus mahaleb

Prunus mahaleb is a deciduous tree or shrub from the...
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Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - Echte Bärentraube

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - Bearberry

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, generally known as the Bearberry, belongs to the...
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Gaultheria procumbens - Scheinbeere

Gaultheria procumbens

Gaultheria procumbens is an evergreen, low -growing plant from the...
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Ruscus aculeatus - Mäusedorn

Ruscus aculeatus - Butcher's-broom

Ruscus aculeatus, generally known as a Butcher's-broom, is an evergreen,...
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Daphne alpina - Alpen-Seidelbast

Daphne alpina

Daphne alpina is a rare plant from the family of...
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Hypericum androsaemum - Blut-Johanniskraut

Hypericum androsaemum - Shrubby St. John's wort

Hypericum androsaemum, generally known as shrubby St. John's wort, belongs...
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Rosa pulverulenta


Rosa PuluUngenta belongs to the family of rose plants (Rosaceae)....
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