Quercus frainetto - Ungarische Eiche

Quercus frainetto - Hungarian oak

Quercus frainetto, also known as Hungarian oak or Italian oak,...
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Deutzia discolor - Verschiedenfarbige Deutzie

Deutzia discolor

Deutzia discolor belongs to the family of Hydrangeaceae, it is...
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Deutzia scabra - Raue Deutzie

Deutzia scabra

Deutzia scabra belongs to the family of Hydrangeaceae. It is...
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Ribes leptanthum - Zartblütige Stachelbeere

Ribes leptanthum

Ribes leptanthum belongs to the family of the Grossulariaceae, which...
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Spiraea × vanhouttei - Prachtspiere

Spiraea × vanhoodti

Spiraea × vanhoutti, also known as boulevard or bridal petition,...
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Betula ermanii - Ermans-Birke

Betula Ermanii - Ermans -Birke

Betula Ermanii, also known as an Mansbirke, is a hardy...
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