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Botanical orders
Echinops exaltatus - Drüsenlose Kugeldistel
Die hohe Kugeldistel (Echinops exaltatus) gehört zur Familie der Korbblütler...
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Polygonatum latifolium - Breitblättrige Weißwurz
Polygonatum latifolium, bekannt als Breitblättrige Weißwurz, gehört zur Familie der...
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Cotoneaster niger
Cotoneaster niger belongs to the Rosaceae family. This little -known...
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Rhododendron luteum - yellow azalee
Rhododendron Luteum, also known as yellow azalee, is a type...
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Crataegus × macrocarpa Nothovar. Hadenensis
Crataegus × macrocarpa Nothovar. Hadensis, a natural hybrid from the...
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Pulsatilla Grandis - large cow clamp
Pulsatilla Grandis, also known as a large kitchen clamp or...
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Telekia Speciosa - Large Floral Scheinalant
Telekia Speciosa, also known as a large -flowered telekie or...
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Soldanella Carpatica - Carpathian Soldanelle
Soldanella Carpatica, also known as Karpaten-Soldanelle, is located in the...
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Artemisia pontica - pontic mugwort
Artemisia Pontica, also known as a pontic mugwort, is particularly...
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