Nematanthus wettsteinii

Natantanthus Wettsteinii - goldfish plant

Natantanthus Wettsteinii belongs to the family of Gesnerie family (Gesneriaceae)....
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Seemannia sylvatica

Seemannia Sylvatica

Seemannia Sylvatica belongs to the family of Gesnerie family (Gesneriaceae)....
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Lomandra spicata

Lomandra Spicata

Lomandra Spicata belongs to the Asparagaceae family. This species is...
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Chamaedorea costaricana - Bambuspalme

Chamaedorea Costaricana - bamboo palm

Chamaedorea Costaricana, also known as "Bambuspalme" or "Costa-Rica-Bergpalme", ​​belongs to...
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Dicliptera raui

Dicliptera Raui

Dicliptera Raui belongs to the family of Acanthaceae and is...
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Solanum melongena - Aubergine

Solanum Melongena - Aubergine

Solanum Melongena, generally known as eggplant or egg fruit, belongs...
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Hibiscus laevis - Glatter Hibiskus

Hibiscus Laevis - Glatter Hibiskus

Hibiscus Laevis, popularly known as a smooth hibiscus, belongs to...
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Bidens triplinervia - Goldmarie

Bidens Triplinervia - Goldmarie

Bidens Triplinervia, generally known as Goldmarie, belongs to the Korbblütler...
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Cyperus prolifer - Zyperngras

Cyperus prolifer - Cyprus grass

Cyperus Prolifer, popularly known as Cyprus grass, is a species...
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