Hypericum polyphyllum - Polster-Johanniskraut

Hypericum polyphyllum - upholstered Johanniskraut

Hypericum polyphyllum, also known as upholstered Johanniskraut, is a multi-year...
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Euphorbia myrsinites - Walzen-Wolfsmilch

Euphorbia Myrsinites - roll -wolf milk

Euphorbia Myrsinites, generally known as roller-wolf milk, is a multi-year,...
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Salix caspica - Kaspische Weide

Salix Caspica - Caspian pasture

Salix Caspica, generally known as the Caspian pasture, belongs to...
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Salix triandra subsp. triandra

Salix Triandra Sub. Triandra

Salix Triandra Sub. Triandra belongs to the Weidenwäche family (Salicaceae)....
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Salix atrocinerea - Grauweide

Salix atrocinerea - gray pasture

Salix atrocinerea, generally known as dark gray pasture or gray...
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Salix arctica - Arktische Weide

Salix Arctica - Arctic pasture

Salix Arctica, also known as Arctic pasture, belongs to the...
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Salix reticulata - Netz-Weide

Salix Reticulata - network pasture

Salix Reticulata, known as network pasture or network-leaved pasture, belongs...
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Breynia disticha - Hawaiian Snowbush

Breynia Distech - Hawaiian Snowbush

Breynia Distisha, also known as Hawaiian Snowbus, is a striking...
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Bischofia javanica

Bishopia javanica

Bishop Javanica belongs to the family of the Phyllanthaceae. This...
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