Mentha longifolia - Rossminze

Mentha Longifolia - Rossmint

Mentha Longifolia, generally known as a long -leaf mint or...
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Thymus vulgaris - Echter Thymian

Thymus Vulgaris - real thyme

Thymus Vulgaris, also known as real thyme or spice thyme,...
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Aquilegia vulgaris - Gemeine Akelei

Aquilegia vulgaris - common

Aquilegia vulgaris, also known as a common scale or garden...
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Coffea canephora - Robusta-Kaffee

Coffea Canhora - Robusta coffee

Coffea Canhora, generally known as Robusta coffee, is an important...
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Deppea splendens - Goldene Fuchsie

Deppea Splendens - Golden Fuchsie

Deppea Splendens, also known as a golden foxie, belongs to...
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Impatiens auricoma - Afrikanisches Springkraut

Impatiens Auricoma - African jumping herb

Impatiens Auricoma, also known as "African jumping cabbage", is a...
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Ficus religiosa - Bodhibaum

Ficus Religiosa - Bodhibaum

Ficus Religiosa, also known as the holy fig tree or...
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Nicotiana sylvestris - Waldtabak

Nicotiana Sylvestris - forest tobacco

Nicotiana Sylvestris, generally known as forest tobacco, belongs to the...
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Fuchsia lycioides

Fuchsia Lycioides

Fuchsia Lycioides belongs to the family of Nighting primrose plants...
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