Tilia platyphyllos - Sommerlinde

Tilia Platyphylos - Sommerlinde

Tilia Platyphylos, generally known as summer linden or large linden...
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Betula pendula - Hängebirke

Betula Pendula - Hängebirks

Betula Pendula, also known as the hanging birch or whitebirch,...
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Sambucus ebulus - Zwerg-Holunder

Sambucus Ebulus - Dwarf -Helunder

Sambucus Ebulus, known as a dwarf-Helunder or Attich, is a...
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Carduus defloratus - Alpen-Distel

Carduus Defloratus - Alpen -Distel

Carduus Defloratus, generally known as the Alpine thistle, is a...
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Cirsium acaule - Stängellose Kratzdistel

Cirsium acaule - plumbing scratch thistle

Cirsium acaule, also known as the plumbing scratch thistle, is...
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Alnus alnobetula - Grün-Erle

Alnus Alnobetula - Grün -Erle

Alnus Alnobetula, also known as the greener or greener shrub,...
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