Torreya nucifera - Japanische Nusseibe

Torreya nucifera - Japanische Nusseibe

Torreya nucifera, auch bekannt als Japanische Nusseibe, ist ein immergrüner...
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Ribes fasciculatum - Dolden-Johannisbeere

Ribes fasciculatum

Ribes fasciculatum, a species from the Grossulariaceae family, is native...
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Sorbaria sorbifolia var. stellipila - Aufrechte Fiederspiere

Sorbaria sorbifolia var. stellipila

The plant Sorbaria sorbifolia var. stellipila, a subspecies of the...
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Prunus sargentii - Bergkirsche

Prunus sargentii - Sargent's Cherry

Prunus sargentii, generally known as Sargent's Cherry, is a deciduous...
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Chaenomeles japonica - Japanische Zierquitte

Chaenomeles japonica - Japanese quince

Chaenomeles japonica, generally known as Japanese quince, is a deciduous...
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Acer palmatum - Fächerahorn

Acer palmatum - fan maple

Acer Palmatum, generally known as a subject maple, belongs to...
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Rhododendron brachycarpum

Rhododendron brachy carpum

Rhododendron BrachyCarpum belongs to the Ericaceae family. This plant, which...
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Hydrangea petiolaris - Kletterhortensie

Hydrangea Petiaolis - climbing hydrangea

Hydrangea Petiaolaris, also called climbing hydrangea in German, belongs to...
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Carpinus laxiflora - Koreanische Hainbuche

Carpinus Laxiflora - Korean hornbeam

Carpinus Laxiflora, generally known as Korean hornbeam, is located in...
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