Vitis vinifera - Weinrebe

Vitis Vinifera - wine vine

Vitis Vinifera, generally known as the wine vine, is an...
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Passiflora incarnata - Passionsblume

Passiflora incarnata - passion flower

Passiflora Incarnata, generally known as a passion flower, belongs to...
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Vicia faba - Ackerbohne

Vicia Faba - Farbon Bean

Vicia Faba, generally known as arable bean, is an important...
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Asparagus verticillatus - Wirtel-Spargel

Asparagus Verticillatus - Wirtel -Spargel

Asparagus Verticillatus, also known as a Wirtel parade, belongs to...
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Ampelopsis glandulosa - Ussuri-Scheinrebe

Ambelopsis Glandulosa - Ussuri femorial vine

The traffic lights of Glandulosa, also known as the Ussuri...
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Hedera helix - Efeu

Hedera Helix - ivy

Hedera Helix, generally known as ivy, is a climbing evergreen...
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Ipomoea batatas - Süßkartoffel

Ipomoea batatas - sweet potato

Ipomoea Batatas, generally known as a sweet potato, is an...
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Wisteria sinensis - Blauregen

Wisteria Sinensis - Blaurel

Wisteria Sinensis, generally known as a Chinese wirring, belongs to...
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Humulus lupulus - Echter Hopfen

Humulus Lupulus - real hops

The hops, scientifically referred to as humulus lupulus, is primarily...
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