Rosa multiflora - Vielblütige Rose

Rosa multiflora - Vielblütige Rose

Rosa multiflora, im Deutschen als Vielblütige Rose bekannt, ist eine...
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Piper sarmentosum - Pfefferblatt

Piper sarmentosum - Pepper leaf

Piper sarmentosum, a species from the family of pepper plants...
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Ipomoea corymbosa - Ololiuqui

Ipomoea corymbosa - Ololiuqui

Ipomoea corymbosa, also known as "Ololiuqui," belongs to the family...
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Gerrardanthus macrorhizus

Gerrardanthus macrorhizus

Gerrardanthus macrorhizus belongs to the family of pumpkin plants (Cucurbitaceae)....
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Banisteriopsis caapi - Ayahuasca-Liane / Yagé

Banisteriopsis caapi - Ayahuasca -plant / Yagé

Banisteriopsis caapi is a Liane from the Malpighiaceae family and...
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Rosa laevigata - Cherokee-Rose

Rosa Laevigata - Cherokee rose

Rosa Laevigata, known in German as a Cherokee rose, belongs...
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Hydrangea petiolaris - Kletterhortensie

Hydrangea Petiaolis - climbing hydrangea

Hydrangea Petiaolaris, also called climbing hydrangea in German, belongs to...
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Lonicera trichosantha - Chinesisches Geißblatt

Lonicera Trichosantha - Chinese Geißblatt

Lonicera Trichosantha, popularly known as Chinese Geißblatt or Honeysuckle, is...
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Lapageria rosea - Chilenische Wachsglocke

Lapageria Rosea - Chilean wax bell

Lapageria Rosea, generally known as a Chilean wax bell or...
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