Acer pseudoplatanus - Bergahorn

Acer Pseudoplatanus - Berghaorn

Acer Pseudoplatanus, generally known as a mountain hamper, is a...
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Picea orientalis - Orientalische Fichte

Picea orientalis - oriental spruce

Picea Orientalis, popularly known as oriental spruce or Caucasus spruce,...
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Fraxinus ornus - Blumenesche

Fraxinus Ornus - Flower Seal

Fraxinus Ornus, generally known as flower cock, belongs to the...
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Erica arborea - Baumheide

Erica Arborea - Baumheide

Erica Arborea, generally known as Baumheide, belongs to the family...
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Physochlaina orientalis - Büschelbilsenkraut

Physochlaina Orientalis - Büschelbilskraut

Physochlaina Orientalis, generally known as a tufted picture, belongs to...
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Centaurea macrocephala - Gelbe Riesenflockenblume

Centaurea macrocephala - yellow giant flake flower

Centaurea macrocephala, generally known as yellow giant flake flower, is...
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