Syringa pubescens subsp. microphylla

Syringa pubescens subsp. microphylla

Syringa pubescens subsp. Microphylla, also known as a small -leaved...
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Aster diplostephioides

Aster DiplosTephiides

Aster DiplosTephioides is particularly native to the high mountain regions...
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Rhododendron camtschaticum - Kamtschatka-Rhododendron

Rhododendron CamschaTicum - Kamchatka Rhododendron

Rhododendron CamschaTicum, also known as Kamchatka Rhododendron, is primarily native...
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Aquilegia desertorum

Aquilegia desertorum

Aquilegia Desertorum is at home in the dry areas of...
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Thymus vulgaris - Echter Thymian

Thymus Vulgaris - real thyme

Thymus Vulgaris, also known as real thyme or spice thyme,...
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Anemanthele lessoniana - Neuseeland-Windgras

Anemanthele Lessoniana - New Zealand wind grass

Anemanthele Lessoniana, also known as New Zealand wind grass or...
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Acanthus montanus

Acanthus Montanus

Acanthus Montanus belongs to the Akanthus family family (Acanthaceae). This...
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Impatiens niamniamensis - Kongo-Lieschen

Impatiens Niamniamensis - Congo -Lieschen

Impatiens Niamniamensis, generally known as Congo-Lieschen or Congo-Maumengrün, belongs to...
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Oryza sativa - Reis

Oryza sativa - rice

Oryza Sativa, generally known as rice, is one of the...
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