Stapelia gigantea - Aasblume

Stapelia gigantea - Zulu giant

Stapelia gigantea, also known as zulu giant, is a fascinating...
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Ceropegia dichotoma - Gabelige Leuchterblume

Ceropegia dichotoma

Ceropegia dichotoma belongs to the family of the Apocynaceae and...
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Voacanga africana - Voacangastrauch

Voacanga africana

Voacanga africana belongs to the Apocynaceae family, which is located...
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Psychotria viridis - Chacruna

Psychotria viridis - Chacruna

Psychotria viridis, also known as "Chacruna", belongs to the Rubiaceae...
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Tabernanthe iboga - Iboga

Tabernanthe iboga - Iboga

Tabernanthe iboga, generally referred to as iboga, is a plant...
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Psychotria capensis

Psychotria capensis

Psychotria capensis belongs to the family of the Rubiaceae. This...
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Carapichea ipecacuanha - Brechwurzel

Carapichea ipecacuanha

Carapichea ipecacuanha, also known as a crushing root, is an...
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Asperula taurina - Turiner Meister

Asperula taurina - Pink woodruff

Asperula taurina, generally known as pink woodruff, is a herbaceous...
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Galium odoratum - Waldmeister

Galium odoratum - Woodruff

Galium odoratum, generally known as woodruff, is a herbaceous plant...
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