Bixa orellana - Annattostrauch

Bixa orellana

Bixa orellana is a tropical plant from the Bixaceae family....
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Alkanna tinctoria - Färberwurzel

Alkanna Tinctoria - dyeing root

Alkanna Tinctoria, known in popularly known as a dye, belongs...
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Sherardia arvensis - Ackerröte

Sherardia Arvensis - Ackröte

Sherardia Arvensis, generally known as the field or arable report,...
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Lythrum salicaria - Blutweiderich

Lythrum Salicaria - Blutweiderich

Lythrum Salicaria, generally known as blood pasture or garden parlor,...
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Mercurialis perennis - Wald-Bingelkraut

Mercurialis Perennis - forest -biting herb

Mercurialis Perennis, generally known as forest biker, belongs to the...
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