Tilia platyphyllos - Sommerlinde

Tilia platyphyllos - Large-leaved linden

Tilia platyphyllos, generally known as large-leaved linden, is a large...
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Digitalis grandiflora - Großblütiger Fingerhut

Digitalis grandiflora - Yellow foxglove

Digitalis grandiflora, also known as yellow foxglove, is a multi...
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Larix decidua - Europäische Lärche

Larix decidua - European larch

Larix decidua, generally known as European larch, is a deciduous...
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Sambucus ebulus - Zwerg-Holunder

Sambucus ebulus - Danewort

Sambucus ebulus, known as a danewort, is a multi-year herbaceous...
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Pinus cembra - Zirbelkiefer

Pinus cembra - Swiss pine

Pinus cembra, also known as Swiss pine, is a slowly...
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Carduus defloratus - Alpen-Distel

Carduus defloratus - Alpine thistle

Carduus defloratus, generally known as the alpine thistle, is a...
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Cirsium acaule - Stängellose Kratzdistel

Cirsium acaule - Dwarf thistle

Cirsium acaule, also known as dwarf thistle, is a low...
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Daphne laureola - Lorbeer-Seidelbast

Daphne laureola - Spurge laurel

Daphne laureola, also known as spurge laurel, is an evergreen,...
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Galanthus nivalis - Schneeglöckchen

Galanthus nivalis - Snowdrop

Galanthus nivalis, better known as snowdrop, is one of the...
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