Tropaeolum majus - Kapuzinerkresse

Tropaeolum Majus - nasturtium

Tropaeolum Majus, generally known as a nasturtium, is a one...
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Raphanus raphanistrum - Acker-Rettich

Raphanus rapanistrum - field radish

Raphanus raphannistrum, generally known as the arable radish or wild...
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Allium cepa - Zwiebel

Allium Cepa - onion

Allium Cepa, generally known as onion, is an edible plant...
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Plantago lanceolata - Spitzwegerich

Plantago Lanceolata - Spitzwegerich

Plantago Lanceolata, generally known as Spitzwegerich, is a widespread plant...
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Amaranthus caudatus - Garten Fuchsschwanz

Amaranthus caudatus - Inka Korn

Amaranthus caudatus, also called Inca Korn or garden foxtail, belongs...
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Inula helenium - Echter Alant

Inula Helenium - Real Alant

Inula Helenium, generally known as a real Alant, belongs to...
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Artemisia vulgaris - Beifuß

Artemisia vulgaris - mugwort

Artemisia vulgaris, generally known as mugwort, is a versatile and...
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Armoracia rusticana - Meerrettich

Armoracia Rusticana - horseradish

Armoracia Rusticana, generally known as a horseradish, is a versatile...
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Malus domestica - Kulturapfel

Malus domestica - cultural apple

Malus Domestica, generally known as the apple tree, is one...
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