Pseudopodospermum hispanicum - Garten-Schwarzwurzel

Pseudopodospermum Hispanicum - garden -black root

Pseudopodospermum Hispanicum, known in popularly known as a salsify, belongs...
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Tetragonia tetragonoides - Neuseeländer Spinat


TEPHEPONIA TEPRENTONOIDES, generally known as New Zealand spinach or gourmet...
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Artemisia vulgaris - Beifuß

Artemisia vulgaris - mugwort

Artemisia vulgaris, generally known as mugwort, is a versatile and...
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Armoracia rusticana - Meerrettich

Armoracia Rusticana - horseradish

Armoracia Rusticana, generally known as a horseradish, is a versatile...
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Malus domestica - Kulturapfel

Malus domestica - cultural apple

Malus Domestica, generally known as the apple tree, is one...
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Tagetes tenuifolia - Schmalblättrige Studentenblume

Tagetes Tenuifolia - narrow -leaved student flower

Tagetes Tenuifolia, generally known as a feather flower or thread...
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Lysimachia vulgaris - Gilbweiderich

Lysimachia vulgaris - Gilbweiderich

Lysimachia Vulgaris, popularly known as a common Gilbweiderich or Günsel,...
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Cota tinctoria - Färberkamille

Cota Tinctoria - Farberkamille

Cota Tincoria, generally known as a dye brain or dyeing...
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Fagopyrum esculentum - Buchweizen

Fagopyrum esculentum - buckwheat

Fagopyrum esculentism, generally known as buckwheat, belongs to the family...
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