Buxus sempervirens - Buchsbaum

Buxus Sempervirens - boxwood

Buxus Sempervirens, generally known as a boxwood, belongs to the...
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Lagenaria siceraria - Flaschenkürbis

Lagenaria Siceraria - bottle pumpkin

Lagenaria Siceraria, known as bottle pumpkin or bottle pumpkin lantern,...
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Alocasia sanderiana - Pfeilblatt

Alocasia Sanderiana - arrow sheet

Alocasia Sanderiana, generally known as the arrow sheet, belongs to...
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Trichosanthes cucumerina - Schlangenhaargurke

Trichosanthes Cucumerina - snake hair cucumber

Trichosanthes cucumerina, generally known as snake hair cucumber, is a...
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Semele androgyna

Semele androgyna

Semele Androgyna belongs to the Asparagaceae family. The original distribution focus...
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Cucurbita maxima - Riesenkürbis

Cucurbita Maxima - giant ribis

Cucurbita Maxima, generally known as the giant ribis, belongs to...
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