Catharanthus roseus - Madagaskar-Immergrün

Catharanthus Roseus - Madagascar -Grün

Catharanthus Roseus, also known as "Madagascar-Grün" or "Rosige Catharanthe", belongs...
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Ruellia devosiana

Ruellia Devosiana

Ruellia Devosiana belongs to the Family of the Acanthaceae, which...
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Strobilanthes alternata

Strobilanthes Alternata

Strobilanthes Alternata belongs to the family of Acanthaceae. This plant...
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Impatiens auricoma - Afrikanisches Springkraut

Impatiens Auricoma - African jumping herb

Impatiens Auricoma, also known as "African jumping cabbage", is a...
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Alpinia purpurata - Roter Ingwer

Alpinia Purpurata - Red Ginger

Alpinia Purpurata, generally known as the red ginger or Tahitian...
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Ruellia brevifolia - Shortleaf Ruellia

Ruellia Brevifolia - Shortleaf Ruellia

Ruellia Brevifolia, generally known as Shortleaf Ruellia, belongs to the...
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