Stapelia gigantea - Aasblume

Stapelia gigantea - Aasblume

Stapelia gigantea, auch als Aasblume oder Riesenstapelia bekannt, ist eine...
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Ceropegia dichotoma - Gabelige Leuchterblume

Ceropegia dichotoma - Gabelige Leuchterblume

Ceropegia dichotoma gehört zur Familie der Apocynaceae und zur Gattung...
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Voacanga africana - Voacangastrauch

Voacanga africana

Voacanga africana belongs to the Apocynaceae family, which is located...
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Tabernanthe iboga - Iboga

Tabernanthe iboga - Iboga

Tabernanthe iboga, generally referred to as iboga, is a plant...
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Catharanthus roseus - Madagaskar-Immergrün

Catharanthus Roseus - Madagascar -Grün

Catharanthus Roseus, also known as "Madagascar-Grün" or "Rosige Catharanthe", belongs...
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Gomphocarpus physocarpus - Ballonpflanze

Gomphocarpus Physocarpus - balloon plant

Gomphocarpus Physocarpus, known in popularly as a balloon plant, belongs...
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Allamanda cathartica - Goldtrompete

Allamanda Cathartica - gold trumpet

Allamanda Cathartica, generally known as a gold trumpet, belongs to...
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