Helleborus niger subsp. niger

Helleborus niger subsp. niger

Helleborus niger subsp. niger belongs to the family of Ranunculaceae....
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Eranthis hyemalis - Winterling

Eranthis hyemalis - Winter aconite

Eranthis hyemalis, known as winter aconite, belongs to the family...
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Corylus colurna - Baumhasel

Corylus colurna - Turkish hazel

Corylus colurna, also known as a Turkish hazel, belongs to...
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Clivia miniata - Riemenblatt

Clivia miniata - Orange Clivia

Clivia miniata, also known as orange Clivia, is a popular...
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Psychotria viridis - Chacruna

Psychotria viridis - Chacruna

Psychotria viridis, also known as "Chacruna", belongs to the Rubiaceae...
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Rhododendron simsii - Zimmerazalee

Rhododendron simsii

Rhododendron simsii, also known as a carpenter, is an evergreen,...
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Hamamelis japonica - Japanische Zaubernuss

Hamamelis japonica

The Hamamelis japonica plant belongs to the family of the...
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Cryptomeria japonica - Sicheltanne

Cryptomeria japonica - Sickle fir

Cryptomeria japonica, also known as Japanese sickle fir or Sugi...
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Viscum album - Mistel

Viscum album - Mistletoe

Viscum album, generally known as the European mistletoe, is an...
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