Ribes sanguineum - Blutjohannisbeere

Ribes sanguineum - Flowering currant

Ribes sanguineum, also known as a flowering currant, is a...
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Ribes divaricatum - Schwarze Honigbeere

Ribes divaricatum - Spreading Gooseberry

Ribes divaricatum, also known as Spreading Gooseberry, belongs to the...
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Acer pseudosieboldianum - Koreanischer Ahorn

Acer pseudosieboldianum - Korean maple

Acer pseudosieboldianum, generally known as the Korean maple, belongs to...
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Rothmannia annae - Wrights Gardenie

Rothmannia Annae - Wrights Gardenie

Rothmannia Annae's home is exclusively on the Seychelles. And even...
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