Rubus idaeus - Himbeere

Rubus Idaeus - raspberry

The raspberry, scientifically known as Rubus Idaeus, belongs to the...
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Pachysandra terminalis - Dickmännchen

Pachysandra Terminalis - Fickmännchen

Pachysandra Terminalis, generally known as a fat man, is a...
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Hylotelephium spectabile - Fetthenne

Hylotelephium Spectabiles - Fetthenne

HylotelPhium Spectabiles, generally known as fathenne, belongs to the family...
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Deutzia crenata - Deutzie

Deutzia Crenata - Deutzie

Deutzia Crenata, generally known as Deutzie, belongs to the family...
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Trapa natans - Wassernuss

Trapa Natans - Wasnut

Trapa Natans, also known as a waternut, is an aquatic...
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Plantago lanceolata - Spitzwegerich

Plantago Lanceolata - Spitzwegerich

Plantago Lanceolata, generally known as Spitzwegerich, is a widespread plant...
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