Pyrus fedorovii

Pyrus fedorovii

Pyrus fedorovii is a rare type of genus pyrus, which...
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Pyrus cordata - Plymouth-Birne

Pyrus Cordata - Plymouth bulb

Pyrus Cordata, also known as the "Plymouth Bear" or "Small-Bladed...
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Pyrus phaeocarpa

Pyrus Phaeocarpa

Pyrus Phaeocarpa is a type of genus pyrus within the...
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Pyrus nivalis - Schneebirne

Pyrus nivalis - snow pear

Pyrus nivalis, also known as snow pears, belongs to the...
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Pyrus salicifolia - Weidenblättrige Birne

Pyrus Salicifolia - pasture -leaved pear

Pyrus Salicifolia, known as willow -leaved pear or silver bulb,...
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Photinia davidiana - Funkenblatt

Phhotinia Davidiana - Funkenblatt

Phhotinia Davidiana, also known as the spark leaf, belongs to...
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