Fragaria virginiana - Scharlach-Erdbeere

Fragaria Virginiana - Scarlach Erdberry

Fragaria Virginiana, generally known scarlet-earthberry, belongs to the Rosaceae family....
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Ephedra monosperma

Ephedra Monosperma

Ephedra Monosperma belongs to the Ephedraceae family. This unusual plant...
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Artemisia pontica - Pontischer Beifuß

Artemisia pontica - pontic mugwort

Artemisia Pontica, also known as a pontic mugwort, is particularly...
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Mentha longifolia - Rossminze

Mentha Longifolia - Rossmint

Mentha Longifolia, generally known as a long -leaf mint or...
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Piper auritum - Mexikanischer Blattpfeffer

Piper auritum - Mexican leaf pepper

Piper Auritum, generally known as "Hoja Santa" or "Mexican leaf...
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Larrea tridentata - Kreosotbusch

Larrea Tridata - Kreosotbusch

Larrea Tridata, generally known as "Kreosotbusch" or "Greetwood", belongs to...
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