Erica arborea - Baumheide

Erica Arborea - Baumheide

Erica Arborea, generally known as Baumheide, belongs to the family...
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Vitex agnus-castus - Mönchspfeffer

Vitex Agnus -Castus - monk pepper

Vitex Agnus-Castus, generally known as a monk pepper or chaste...
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Mentha spicata - Grüne Minze

Mentha spicata - green mint

Mentha Spicata, generally known as green mint or spearmint, is...
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Commiphora kua - Afrikanische Myrrhe

Commiphora Kua - African Myrrh

Commiphora Kua, generally known as African Myrrh, is a plant...
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Vitis vinifera - Weinrebe

Vitis Vinifera - wine vine

Vitis Vinifera, generally known as the wine vine, is an...
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Carex nigra - Braun-Segge

Carex Nigra - Braun -Segge

Carex Nigra, popularly known as Braun-Segge or meadow segge, belongs...
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Typha minima - Zwerg-Rohrkolben

Typha minima - dwarf tube piston

Typha minima, generally known as a dwarf tube piston, belongs...
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Hyoscyamus albus - Weißes Bilsenkraut

Hyoscyamus albus - white bilsrot

Hyoscyamus Albus, generally known as white bils, is a herbaceous...
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Mandragora officinarum - Alraune

Mandragora Officinarum - Alraun

Mandragora Officinarum, generally known as the Alraun, is a fascinating...
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