Malus orientalis - Kaukasusapfel

Malus Orientalis - Caucasus apple

Malus Orientalis, known as the Caucasus apple, belongs to the...
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Prunus avium - Vogelkirsche

Prunus Avium - bird cherry

Prunus Avium, known as the sweet cherry or bird cherry,...
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Prunus cerasifera - Kirschpflaume

Prunus Cerasifera - cherry plum

Prunus Cerasifera, known as cherry plum or wild plum in...
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Rosa gallica - Essig-Rose

Rosa Gallica - vinegar rose

Rosa Gallica, also known as vinegar rose or pharmacist rose,...
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Amelanchier ovalis - Gewöhnliche Felsenbirne

Amelanchier Ovalis - ordinary rock pear

Amelanchier Ovalis, known in German as an ordinary rock bulb,...
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Gentiana gelida - Starrer Enzian

Gentiana Gelida - Starer Enzian

Gentiana Gelida, also called the rigid encian, belongs to the...
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Gentiana septemfida - Sommerenzian

Gentiana Septemfida - Summerenzian

Gentiana Septemfida, also known as Summerenzian, belongs to the Gentianaceae...
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Gentiana asclepiadea - Schwalbenwurz-Enzian

Gentiana Asclepiadea - Schwalbenwurz -Enzian

Gentiana Asclepiadea, also known as Schwalbenwurz-Enzian, belongs to the Gentianaceae...
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Primula auriculata

Primula auriculata

The origin of Primula Auriculata is located in Southwest Asia,...
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