Ficus religiosa - Bodhibaum

Ficus Religiosa - Bodhibaum

Ficus Religiosa, also known as the holy fig tree or...
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Alocasia odora - Riesen-Elefantenohr

Alocasia Odora - giant elephant ear

Alocasia Odora, generally known as a giant elephant ear or...
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Dicliptera raui

Dicliptera Raui

Dicliptera Raui belongs to the family of Acanthaceae and is...
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Solanum melongena - Aubergine

Solanum Melongena - Aubergine

Solanum Melongena, generally known as eggplant or egg fruit, belongs...
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Adiantum venustum - Himalaya Venushaarfarn

Adiantum Venustum - Himalaya Venushaarn

Adiantum Venustum, popularly known as Himalaya Venushaarn, is a type...
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Trichosanthes cucumerina - Schlangenhaargurke

Trichosanthes Cucumerina - snake hair cucumber

Trichosanthes cucumerina, generally known as snake hair cucumber, is a...
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