Alternanthera aquatica - Schwimmendes Papageienblatt

Alternanthera aquatica

Alternanthera aquatica is a herbaceous aquatic plant from the family...
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Begonia dichotoma

Begonia dichotoma

Begonia dichotoma is a rare plant from the family of...
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Begonia saxicola

Begonia saxicola

Begonia saxicola belongs to the family of the Begoniaceae, is...
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Echinopsis oxygona

Echinopsis oxygona

Echinopsis oxygona belongs to the family of cactus plants (Cactaceae)....
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Hippeastrum glaucescens

Hippeastrum glaucescens

Hippeastrum glaucescens belongs to the family of the Amaryllidaceae and...
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Nicotiana longiflora - Langblütiger Tabak

Nicotiana longiflora

Nicotiana longiflora is a herbaceous plant from the family of...
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Utricularia reniformis

Utricularia reniformis

Utricularia reniformis belongs to the genus Utricularia within the family...
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Carapichea ipecacuanha - Brechwurzel

Carapichea ipecacuanha

Carapichea ipecacuanha, also known as a crushing root, is an...
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Ctenanthe oppenheimiana

Ctenanthe oppenheimiana

Ctenanthe oppenheimiana is a tropical plant from the Marantaceae family,...
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