Allagopappus canariensis - Kanarisches Bertramkraut

Allagopappus Canariensis - Canarian Bertram herb

Allagopappus Canariensis, generally known as Canary Bertram herb, belongs to...
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Lotus berthelotii - Kanarischer Hornklee

Lotus Berthelotii - Canarian horn clover

Lotus Berthelotii, popularly known as a Canarian horn clover, belongs...
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Aeonium dodrantale

Aeonium Dograntale

Aeonium Dodrantale is a succulent that is native to the...
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Echium wildpretii - Roter Teide-Natternkopf

Echium Wildpretii - Red Teide snap head

Echium Wildpretii, popularly known as a red Teide snap head,...
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Euphorbia characias - Palisaden Wolfsmilch

Euphorbia Characias - Palisaden Wolfsmilch

Euphorbia Characias, popularly known as the Mediterranean wolf milk or...
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Cota tinctoria - Färberkamille

Cota Tinctoria - Farberkamille

Cota Tincoria, generally known as a dye brain or dyeing...
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Betula nana - Zwerg Birke

Betula Nana - Dwarf Birke

Betula Nana, generally known as a dwarf birch or polar...
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Hypericum perforatum - Johanniskraut

Hypericum perforatum - St. John's wort

Hypericum perforatum, generally known as St. John's wort, belongs to...
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