Houttuynia cordata - Chamäleonpflanze

Houttuynia cordata - Chameleon plant

Houttuynia cordata, also known as "Chameleon plant", is a multi...
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Ipomoea corymbosa - Ololiuqui

Ipomoea corymbosa - Ololiuqui

Ipomoea corymbosa, also known as "Ololiuqui," belongs to the family...
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Voacanga africana - Voacangastrauch

Voacanga africana

Voacanga africana belongs to the Apocynaceae family, which is located...
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Bixa orellana - Annattostrauch

Bixa orellana

Bixa orellana is a tropical plant from the Bixaceae family....
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Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a succulent plant that belongs to the...
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Aloe grandidentata

Aloe grandidentata

Aloe grandidentata is a succulent species from the genus aloe...
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Crassula ovata - Geldbaum

Crassula ovata

Crassula ovata is a succulent plant from the family of...
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Gerrardanthus macrorhizus

Gerrardanthus macrorhizus

Gerrardanthus macrorhizus belongs to the family of pumpkin plants (Cucurbitaceae)....
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Sedum cupressoides

Sedum cupressoides

Sedum cupressoides belongs to the family of Crassulaceae. This succulent...
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