Dracaena draco - Kanarischer Drachenbaum

Dracaena Draco - Canarian dragon tree

The flora is rich in wonderful creations, and the dragon...
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Hibiscus rosa-sinensis - Chinesischer Roseneibisch

Hibiscus Rosa sinensis - Chinese Rosebish

Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis, also known as Rosebian or Chinese Rosebian, is...
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Salicornia europaea - Queller

Salicornia Europaea - Queller

Salicornia Europaea, also known as the source or salt herb,...
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Erythrina crista-galli - Fabaceae - São Miguel Azoren

Erythrina Crista -Galli - coral tree

The coral tree, also called hole comb, is a medium...
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Metrosideros robusta - Nordinsel-Eisenholz

Metrosideros Robusta - Nordinsel -Eisenholz

Metrosideros Robusta, also known as New Zealand Pohutukawa or New...
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Acalypha hispida - Katzenschwänzchen

Acalypha hispida - cat tail

Acalypha Hispida is an exotic plant that is native to...
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