Rhododendron brachycarpum

Rhododendron brachy carpum

Rhododendron BrachyCarpum belongs to the Ericaceae family. This plant, which...
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Hydrangea petiolaris - Kletterhortensie

Hydrangea Petiaolis - climbing hydrangea

Hydrangea Petiaolaris, also called climbing hydrangea in German, belongs to...
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Saxifraga cotyledon - Strauß-Steinbrech

Saxifraga Cotyledon - Strauß -Steinbruch

Saxifraga Cotyledon, also known as a bouquet stone, belongs to...
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Gentiana paradoxa

Gentiana Paradoxa

Gentiana Paradoxa belongs to the Gentianaceae family, which is located...
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Gentiana acaulis - Stängelloser Enzian

Gentiana Acaulis - Stänginlichen Enzian

Gentiana Acaulis, also known as the Stanglichen Enzian or Kochs...
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Gentiana trichotoma

Gentiana Trichotoma

Gentiana Trichotoma belongs to the Gentianaceae family, which is located...
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