Mertensia maritima - Austernpflanze

Mertensia Maritima - oyster plant

Mertensia Maritima, generally known as oyster plant or coastal blue...
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Hyoscyamus albus - Weißes Bilsenkraut

Hyoscyamus albus - white bilsrot

Hyoscyamus Albus, generally known as white bils, is a herbaceous...
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Nicotiana glauca - Baumtabak

Nicotiana Glauca - tree tobacco

Nicotiana Glauca, generally known as tree tobacco, belongs to the...
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Centaurea macrocephala - Gelbe Riesenflockenblume

Centaurea macrocephala - yellow giant flake flower

Centaurea macrocephala, generally known as yellow giant flake flower, is...
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Raphanus raphanistrum - Acker-Rettich

Raphanus rapanistrum - field radish

Raphanus raphannistrum, generally known as the arable radish or wild...
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Brassica rapa - Rübsen

Brassica Rapa - Rübsen

Brassica Rapa, generally known as Rübsen, is a versatile species...
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