Salvia pratensis - Wiesensalbei

Salvia pratensis

Salvia pratensis belongs to the family of the Lamiaceae and...
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Prunus mahaleb - Steinweichsel

Prunus mahaleb

Prunus mahaleb is a deciduous tree or shrub from the...
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Rhododendron tomentosum - Sumpfporst

Rhododendron tomentosum - swamp porst

Rhododendron Tomentosum, also known as Moosheide or swamp porst, belongs...
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Agrostemma githago - Kornrade

Agrostemma Githago - Kornrade

Agrostemma Githago, known as Kornrade, is a one -year herbaceous...
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Conium maculatum - Gefleckter Schierling

Conium maculatum - spotted Schierling

Conium maculatum, generally known as a spotted Schierling, is a...
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Leonurus cardiaca - Echtes Herzgespann

Leonurus Cardiaca - real heart team

Leonurus Cardiaca, generally known as a heart team or lion...
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