Prunus mahaleb - Steinweichsel

Prunus mahaleb

Prunus mahaleb is a deciduous tree or shrub from the...
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Arnica chamissonis - Amerikanische Arnika

Arnica chamissonis - American Arnica

Arnica chamissonis, also known as American Arnica, is a herbaceous...
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Tilia platyphyllos - Sommerlinde

Tilia platyphyllos - Large-leaved linden

Tilia platyphyllos, generally known as large-leaved linden, is a large...
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Betula pendula - Hängebirke

Betula pendula - Silver birch

Betula pendula, also known as silver birch, is one of...
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Spiraea chamaedryfolia - Gamander-Spierstrauch

Spiraea chamaedryfolia - Germander meadowsweet

Spiraea chamaedryfolia, known as germander meadowsweet, is a shrub-like plant...
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Sambucus ebulus - Zwerg-Holunder

Sambucus ebulus - Danewort

Sambucus ebulus, known as a danewort, is a multi-year herbaceous...
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Carduus defloratus - Alpen-Distel

Carduus defloratus - Alpine thistle

Carduus defloratus, generally known as the alpine thistle, is a...
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Cirsium acaule - Stängellose Kratzdistel

Cirsium acaule - Dwarf thistle

Cirsium acaule, also known as dwarf thistle, is a low...
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Daphne alpina - Alpen-Seidelbast

Daphne alpina

Daphne alpina is a rare plant from the family of...
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