Alocasia portei

Alocasia Portei

Alocasia Portei belongs to the family of the Arone stable...
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Nematanthus wettsteinii

Natantanthus Wettsteinii - goldfish plant

Natantanthus Wettsteinii belongs to the family of Gesnerie family (Gesneriaceae)....
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Theobroma cacao - Kakaobaum

Theobroma Cacao - cocoa tree

Theobroma Cacao, generally known as cocoa, is an important plant...
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Ruellia devosiana

Ruellia Devosiana

Ruellia Devosiana belongs to the Family of the Acanthaceae, which...
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Impatiens auricoma - Afrikanisches Springkraut

Impatiens Auricoma - African jumping herb

Impatiens Auricoma, also known as "African jumping cabbage", is a...
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Ruellia brevifolia - Shortleaf Ruellia

Ruellia Brevifolia - Shortleaf Ruellia

Ruellia Brevifolia, generally known as Shortleaf Ruellia, belongs to the...
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Ruellia makoyana

Ruellia Makoyana

Ruellia Makoyana belongs to the Akanthus family family (Acanthaceae). This...
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Adiantum raddianum - Frauenhaarfarn

Adiantum Raddianum - Women's Haircarn

Adiantum Raddianum, generally known as women's hair, belongs to the...
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Alocasia odora - Riesen-Elefantenohr

Alocasia Odora - giant elephant ear

Alocasia Odora, generally known as a giant elephant ear or...
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