Costus elegans

Costus elegans

Costus Elegans is particularly valued in gardens and landscapes because...
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Coffea canephora - Robusta-Kaffee

Coffea Canhora - Robusta coffee

Coffea Canhora, generally known as Robusta coffee, is an important...
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Begonia foliosa

Begonia foliosa

Begonia Foliosa is primarily valued in botanical research and in...
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Begonia incarnata

Begonia Incarnata

Begonia Incarnata belongs to the family of the Begonia family...
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Acanthus montanus

Acanthus Montanus

Acanthus Montanus belongs to the Akanthus family family (Acanthaceae). This...
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Deppea splendens - Goldene Fuchsie

Deppea Splendens - Golden Fuchsie

Deppea Splendens, also known as a golden foxie, belongs to...
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Fuchsia brevilobis

Fuchsia Brevilobis

Fuchsia Brevilobis belongs to the family of the evening primer....
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Impatiens bicolor

Impatiens Bicolor

Impatiens Bicolor belongs to the family of balsamic plants (balsamic...
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Blechnum gibbum - Zwerg-Baumfarn

Blechnum gibbum - dwarf tree fern

Blechnum Gibbum, generally known as a dwarf tree fern, belongs...
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