Primula vialii - Orchideen-Primel

Primula Vialii - Orchid Primel

Primula Vialii, also known as an orchid primel, is located...
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Primula auricula - Aurikel

Primula Auricula - Aurikel

Primula Auricula, also known as Aurikel or Berg-Aurikel, is located...
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Primula tanneri

Primula Tanneri

Primula Tanneri comes from the alpine regions of the Himalaya....
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Rhodiola alsia

Rhodiola Alsia

Rhodiola Alsia is a little -known Rhodiola Art. It comes...
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Rhodiola algida

Rhodiola Algida

Rhodiola Algida is at home in the north and Central...
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Rhodiola quadrifida

Rhodiola Quadrifida

Rhodiola Quadrifida is primarily known for their adaptogenic properties and...
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Sempervivum tectorum - Dachwurz

Sempervivum Tectorum - roof root

Sempervivum Tectorum, generally known as the roof root or roof...
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Lapageria rosea - Chilenische Wachsglocke

Lapageria Rosea - Chilean wax bell

Lapageria Rosea, generally known as a Chilean wax bell or...
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Nothofagus dombeyi - Coihue


NOTHOFAGUS DOMBEYI, also known as Coihue, is at home in...
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