Chaenomeles speciosa - Chinesische Zierquitte

Chaenomeles Speciosa - Chinese ornamental quince

Chaenomeles Speciosa, also known as Chinese ornamental quince in German,...
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Lonicera webbiana

Lonicera Webbiana

Lonicera Webbiana belongs to the family of the Caprifoliaceae (hing...
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Acer palmatum - Fächerahorn

Acer palmatum - fan maple

Acer Palmatum, generally known as a subject maple, belongs to...
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Rhododendron campylogynum

Rhododendron Campylogynum

Rhododendron Campylogynum belongs to the Ericaceae family and is one...
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Rhododendron thomsonii

Rhododendron thomsonii

Rhododendron Thomsonii, also known as "Thomson's Rhododendron", belongs to the...
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Rhododendron Hybride 'Mrs P. den Ouden'

Rhododendron hybrid 'mrs P. the Ouden'

Rhododendron 'Mrs P. the Ouden' is an evergreen shrub that...
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