Spiraea × vanhouttei - Prachtspiere

Spiraea × vanhouttei

Spiraea × vanhouttei is a hybrid ornamental plant that was...
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Spiraea chamaedryfolia - Gamander-Spierstrauch

Spiraea chamaedryfolia - Germander meadowsweet

Spiraea chamaedryfolia, known as germander meadowsweet, is a shrub-like plant...
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Cotoneaster niger - Schwarze Zwergmispel

Cotoneaster niger

Cotoneaster niger belongs to the Rosaceae family. This little -known...
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Prunus laurocerasus - Kirschlorbeer

Prunus laurocerasus - Cherry laurel

Prunus laurocerasus, generally known as cherry laurel or laurel cherry,...
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Alchemilla caucasica - Kaukasicher Frauenmantel

Alchemilla caucasica - Caucasian lady's mantle

Alchemilla caucasica, also known as Caucasian lady's mantle, belongs to...
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Potentilla kurdica - Kurdisches Fingerkraut

Potentilla kurdica - Kurdish cinquefoil

Potentilla kurdica, also known as Kurdish cinquefoil, belongs to the...
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Crataegus pontica - Pontischer Weißdorn

Crataegus Pontica - pontic hawthorn

Crataegus Pontica, known as a pontic hawthorn, is a deciduous...
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Crataegus tanacetifolia

Crataegus Tanacetifolia

Crataegus Tanacetifolia is a leaf tree or shrub type from...
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Rosa pulverulenta


Rosa PuluUngenta belongs to the family of rose plants (Rosaceae)....
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