Primula longipes - Langstielige Primel

Primula longipes - long -stemmed primrose

Primula longipes, generally known as long -stemmed primroses, belongs to...
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Rhodiola algida

Rhodiola Algida

Rhodiola Algida is at home in the north and Central...
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Sempervivum tectorum - Dachwurz

Sempervivum Tectorum - roof root

Sempervivum Tectorum, generally known as the roof root or roof...
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Thymus vulgaris - Echter Thymian

Thymus Vulgaris - real thyme

Thymus Vulgaris, also known as real thyme or spice thyme,...
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Bergenia stracheyi - Himalaja-Bergenie

Bergenia Stracheyi - Himalaya mountains

Bergenia Stracheyi, also known as Strachey's Bergenia or Himalaya mountains,...
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Dicentra formosa - Zwergherzblume

Dicentra formosa - dwarf heart flower

Dicentra Formosa, also known as a dwarf heart flower, is...
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