Begonia incarnata

Begonia Incarnata

Begonia Incarnata belongs to the family of the Begonia family...
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Deppea splendens - Goldene Fuchsie

Deppea Splendens - Golden Fuchsie

Deppea Splendens, also known as a golden foxie, belongs to...
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Catharanthus roseus - Madagaskar-Immergrün

Catharanthus Roseus - Madagascar -Grün

Catharanthus Roseus, also known as "Madagascar-Grün" or "Rosige Catharanthe", belongs...
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Ruellia makoyana

Ruellia Makoyana

Ruellia Makoyana belongs to the Akanthus family family (Acanthaceae). This...
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Pseudobombax ellipticum - Shaving Brush Tree

Pseudobombax Ellipticum - Shaving Brush Tree

Pseudobombax Ellipticum, generally known as "Shaving Brush Tree" or "Mexican...
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Wittrockia cyathiformis

Wittrockia Cyathiformis

Wittrockia Cyathiformis belongs to the family of the bromelia family...
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Euphorbia guentheri

Euphorbia Guentheri

Euphorbia Guentheri is a succulent from the wolf milk family...
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Aloe verecunda

Aloe verecunda

Aloe Verecunda belongs to the family of the ASPHODELACEAE. This...
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Echinocereus cinerascens

Echinocereus CinerScens

Echinocereus CinerScens belongs to the genus Echinocereus within the family...
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