Rhododendron longipes

Rhododendron longipes

Rhododendron Longipes is particularly known for its striking flowers and...
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Phlox douglasii - Polster-Phlox

Phlox Douglasii - Upholster -Phlox

Phlox Douglasii, generally known as the upholstered phlox or Douglas...
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Androsace idahoensis

Androsace idahoensis

Androsace Idahoensis is located in the mountain regions of Idahos...
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Primula vialii - Orchideen-Primel

Primula Vialii - Orchid Primel

Primula Vialii, also known as an orchid primel, is located...
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Primula auriculata

Primula auriculata

The origin of Primula Auriculata is located in Southwest Asia,...
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Primula spectabilis - Felsenprimel

Primula Spectabilis - Felsenprimel

The origin of Primula Spectabilis is located at the altitudes...
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Primula secundiflora - Himalaya-Primel

Primula Secundiflora - Himalaya -Primel

Primula Secundiflora, generally known as Himalaya primel, belongs to the...
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Primula nivalis subsp. turkestanica

Primula nivalis subsp. Turkestanica

Primula nivalis subsp. Turkestanica originally comes from Central Asia. It...
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Primula longipes - Langstielige Primel

Primula longipes - long -stemmed primrose

Primula longipes, generally known as long -stemmed primroses, belongs to...
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