Hypericum polyphyllum - Polster-Johanniskraut

Hypericum polyphyllum

Hypericum polyphyllum is a multi-year plant from the Hypericaceae family....
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Sedum pallidum - Bleiche Fetthenne

Sedum pallidum - Bleached Stonecrop

Sedum pallidum, also known as bleached Stonecrop, is a multi...
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Euphorbia myrsinites - Walzen-Wolfsmilch

Euphorbia myrsinites - Myrtle spurge

Euphorbia myrsinites, generally known as myrtle spurge, is a multi-year,...
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Saxifraga ferdinandi-coburgi

Saxifraga ferdinandi-coburgi

Saxifraga ferdinandi-coburgi belongs to the family of the Saxifragaceae. This...
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Ptilostemon afer - Elfenbeindistel

Ptilostemon afer - Grecian thistle

Ptilostemon afer, also known as Grecian thistle belongs to the...
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Aubrieta deltoidea - Griechisches Blaukissen

Aubrieta deltoidea - Purple rock cress

Aubrieta deltoidea, generally known as a purple rock cress, is...
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Colchicum autumnale - Herbstzeitlose

Colchicum autumnale - autumn timeless

Colchicum Autumnale, generally known as autumn times, is a multi...
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Pulsatilla grandis - Große Kuhschelle

Pulsatilla Grandis - large cow clamp

Pulsatilla Grandis, also known as a large kitchen clamp or...
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Waldsteinia geoides - Golderdbeere

Waldsteinia Geoides - Golderdberere

Waldsteinia Geoides, also known as golden berry, is a herbaceous...
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